Honeywell International
Corporate Bias Rating
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Risk Level:
A lawsuit filed in October 2021 alleges that Honeywell requires critical race theory-influenced training for all employees under threat of termination. Honeywell scored a 100 out of 100 on the 2023-2024 Corporate Equality Index (CEI) from the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), a political stakeholder group. By complying with the HRC’s controversial demands, Honeywell increases the risk of dividing employees, alienating customers and harming shareholders. The company provides a benefits package for employees which covers transgender medical procedures for covered employees and dependents, including children. It also uses sex and gender ideology criteria in employee recruitment, vendor selection, marketing, and philanthropic support. Honeywell forces employees to undergo multiple ideological trainings and uses its reputation, corporate funds, and political influence to support controversial sex and gender ideologies, organizations, and legislation. The company's CEO signed Catalyst's Champions for Change pledge. Honeywell is a copper sponsor of Out & Equal and supports the Equality Act. Honeywell is a signatory of the Business Roundtable's 2019 Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation, which promotes stakeholder capitalism. The company has donated to the Equality PAC and Progressive Americans for Democracy. For these reasons, Honeywell receives a High Risk rating.
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CEO of Honeywell International
Vimal Kapur
Headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, Honeywell International is a member of the Fortune 250 operating in the Capital Goods industry. Vimal Kapur and Darius E. Adamczyk serve as CEO/President and Chairman, respectively, leading the company’s C-suite executive team and the board of directors. Amongst these teams, the collective leadership is responsible for $22,750 to Republican causes and $16,175 to Democratic causes. Under their tenure, Honeywell International currently holds a 'High Risk' risk rating.
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Shareholder Proposals
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Date | ESG Category | Proponent | Summary of Resolution | Mgmt Rec | Total Vote % in Favor |
5/19/23 | Governance | John Chevedden | Independent Board Chairman | Against | 44.40% |
5/19/23 | Environmental | Franciscan Sisters of Allegany | Environmental and Health Impact Report | Against | 12.80% |
4/25/22 | Social | Lisette Cooper 2015 Trust | Climate Lobbying Report | Against | 39.15% |
4/25/22 | Governance | John Chevedden | Special Meetings - Reduce Ownership Req. to 10% | Against | 38.88% |
4/25/22 | Environmental | Franciscan Sisters of Allegany | Report on Environmental and Social Due Diligence | Against | 21.09% |