Legal & General Investment Management America (LGIMA)
Corporate Bias Rating
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Legal & General Investment Management America (LGIMA) divested from 14 companies due to a failure to meet climate and other ESG metrics. LGIMA does not provide viewpoint protections for its employees. LGIMA created a Climate Impact Pledge which focuses on qualitative and quantitative metrics measuring company policies surrounding climate change. LGIMA integrates ESG into its business practices, and it appears to prioritize diversity over merit in its compensation. LGIM is part of the GFANZ, the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative, and Climate Action 100+, committed to carbon neutrality by 2050. LGIMA has voted against investee companies due to a lack of ethnic diversity and is a partner of Investing Ethnicity, which supports racial equity initiatives. For these reasons, Legal & General Investment Management America receives a High Risk rating.
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