
Sam's Club,
Bentonville, Arkansas
Food and Staples Retailing, Retailing

Corporate Bias Rating

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Risk Level:

Rating - Danger
High Risk


Walmart scored a 100 out of 100 on the 2023-2024 Corporate Equality Index (CEI) from the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), a political stakeholder group. By complying with the HRC’s controversial demands, Walmart increases the risk of dividing employees, alienating customers and harming shareholders. It also uses sex and gender ideology criteria in employee recruitment, vendor selection, marketing, and philanthropic support. Walmart forces employees to undergo multiple ideological trainings and uses its reputation, corporate funds, and political influence to support controversial sex and gender ideologies, organizations, and legislation. Walmart provides a benefits package for employees which covers travel/lodging costs for an abortion and transgender medical procedures for covered employees and dependents, including children. Walmart is a member of the Global Alliance for Responsible Media, which aims to demonetize advertisements and suppress content that “vilifies” individuals based on sexual orientation and gender identity, discusses “debated social issues in a negative or partisan context” or spreads “hate speech”. Walmart signed the Business Roundtable's 2019 Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation, which promotes stakeholder capitalism over traditional shareholder obligations. Walmart's CEO Doug McMillon signed Catalyst's Champions for Change pledge, indicating its support of DEI in its leadership composition through the establishment of gender and racial targets. The company is a member of the MCCA, indicating its focus on recruiting, retaining, and promoting employees based on race. Walmart has frequently donated to the Equality PAC. However, it has withstood activist pressure on some issues, including abortion and firearms policy. For these reasons, Walmart receives a High Risk rating.

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Board Bias

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CEO of Walmart

Doug McMillon

Doug McMillon


Headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas, Walmart is a member of the Fortune 250 operating in the Food and Staples Retailing industry. Doug McMillon and Gregory B. Penner serve as CEO/President and Chairman, respectively, leading the company’s C-suite executive team and the board of directors. Amongst these teams, the collective leadership is responsible for $1,779,770 to Republican causes and $802,467 to Democratic causes. Under their tenure, Walmart currently holds a 'High Risk' risk rating.

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Political Contributions of Leadership:





Shareholder Proposals

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ESG Category
Summary of ResolutionMgmt RecTotal Vote % in Favor
6/5/24GovernanceNational Center for Public Policy ResearchCorporate Financial Sustainability ReportAgainst0.38%
6/5/24GovernanceCynthia MurrayWorkplace Safety and Violence ReviewAgainst19.08%
6/5/24SocialBowyer ResearchReport on Respecting Workforce Civil LibertiesAgainst0.47%
6/5/24GovernanceThe Shareholder Commons on behalf of Legal & General Investment Management AmericaSet Compensation that Optimizes Portfolio Value for Company ShareholdersAgainst4.40%
6/5/24SocialOxfam AmericaHuman Rights Impact AssesmentsAgainst11.55%
6/5/24SocialThe Organization United for Respect (OUR)Racial Equity AuditAgainst15.38%
6/5/24SocialThe Accountability BoardPublication of Targets for Transitioning from Gestation Crates in Pork Supply ChainAgainst12.50%
5/31/23SocialNational Center of Public Policy ResearchRacial and Gender Layoff Diversity ReportAgainst1.50%
5/31/23SocialNational Legal and Policy CenterCommunist China Risk AuditAgainst1.30%
5/31/23GovernanceCynthia MurrayWorkplace Safety and Violence ReviewAgainst23.80%
5/31/23GovernanceFranciscan Sisters of Perpetual AdorationCreate a Policy to Align Executive Compensation with Worker PayAgainst4.30%
5/31/23SocialClean Yield Asset ManagementReport on Reproductive Rights and Data PrivacyAgainst5.20%
5/31/23GovernanceJames McRitchieRequest to Require Shareholder Approval of Certain Future Bylaw AmendmentsAgainst5.70%
5/31/23SocialOxfam AmericaPrepare a Report on Walmart's Human Rights Due DiligenceAgainst5.80%
5/31/23SocialOrganization United for RespectRacial Equity AuditAgainst18.10%
6/1/22SocialNational Legal and Policy CenterReport on Charitable ContributionsAgainst0.98%
6/1/22SocialNational Center for Public Policy ResearchReport on Civil Rights and Non-Discrimination AuditAgainst0.56%
6/1/22GovernanceCynthia MurrayCreate a Pandemic Workforce Advisory CouncilAgainst12.53%
6/1/22SocialClean Yield Asset Mgmt.Report on Impacts of Reproductive Healthcare LegislationAgainst12.78%
6/1/22SocialFranciscan Sisters of Perp. AdorationReport on Alignment of Racial Justice Goals and Starting WagesAgainst13.19%
6/1/22SocialZevin Asset Mgmt.Report on Lobbying Payments and PolicyAgainst14.40%
6/1/22SocialHumane Society of the U.S.Report on Animal Welfare Polices and Practices in Food Supply ChainAgainst16.39%
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