Martin Marietta Materials

North Carolina

Corporate Bias Rating

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Risk Level:

Rating - Clear
Lower Risk


Martin Marietta does not provide viewpoint protections for its employees but has not publicly terminated business relationships based on views or beliefs. The company’s CEO, C. Howard Nye, signed the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion pledge, which includes a commitment to promote DEI through bias education training in the workplace. Martin Marietta is committed to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. However, it does not discriminate against charitable organizations based on views or beliefs and has not used its corporate funds for ideological purposes. For these reasons, Martin Marietta receives a Lower Risk rating.

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ESG Category
Summary of ResolutionMgmt RecTotal Vote % in Favor
5/11/23EnvironmentalAmundi Asset ManagementRequesting the establishment within a year of GHG reduction targetsAgainst31.57%
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