Consumer Durables and Apparel

Corporate Bias Rating

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Risk Level:

Rating - Danger
High Risk


IKEA is alleged to have fired an employee in Poland over his religious beliefs and opposition to advocating for LGBTQ issues. IKEA scored an 85 out of 100 on the 2023-2024 Corporate Equality Index (CEI) from the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), a political stakeholder group. By complying with Human Rights Campaign’s controversial demands, IKEA increases the risk of dividing employees, alienating customers and harming shareholders. It also uses sex and gender ideology criteria in marketing and philanthropic support. IKEA forces employees to undergo multiple ideological trainings and uses its reputation, corporate funds, and political influence to support controversial sex and gender ideologies, organizations, and legislation. IKEA provides a benefits package for employees which covers travel/lodging costs for an abortion and transgender medical procedures for covered employees and dependents, including children. IKEA is a member of the Global Alliance for Responsible Media, which aims to demonetize advertisements and suppress content that “vilifies” individuals based on sexual orientation and gender identity, discusses "debated social issues in a negative or partisan context" or spreads "hate speech". The company is a signatory of the Gender & Diversity KPI Alliance, appearing to prioritize diversity over merit in its business structure through the establishment of gender and racial targets for its leadership composition and its support of DEI in its hiring and promotions. IKEA implemented unconscious bias and anti-racism training for its management. The company supports the Equality Act and signed onto a 2019 amicus brief supporting the inclusion of sexual orientation in Civil Rights law protections. IKEA opposed the Florida Parental Rights in Education Act, which would prohibit teaching gender identity and sexual orientation to kids in K-3rd grade. The company has also worked with the Black Lives Matter movement's leadership to advance racial equity causes. IKEA opposed various state and local legislation intended to protect parental rights, girls’ sports, bathroom facilities, and gendered spaces. The company signed an amicus brief in opposition to the 2016 North Carolina bathroom bill HB2, which required people to use the bathroom of their biological sex. IKEA’s CEO, Javier Quinones, signed the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion pledge, which includes a commitment to promote DEI through bias education training in the workplace. The company donates to GLSEN, which promotes anti-harassment policies and LGBTQ ideology. IKEA is a national corporate partner of the HRC Foundation. For these reasons, IKEA receives a High Risk rating.

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