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Corporate Bias Rating

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Rating - Danger
High Risk


Pantheon canceled Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) as a client in October 2023 due to pressure from other clients and unnamed stakeholders. The company covers the cost of abortion related expenses as well as transgender services. Pantheon modified its Acceptable Use Policy and Prohibited Customers Policy and as a result "will not do business with organizations whose primary purpose is organized hate, voter fraud/misinformation, or climate change denial." Pantheon does not protect its employees against viewpoint discrimination. Pantheon has not used its corporate reputation to advance ideological agendas, but does embrace ESG-related priorities. The company is a signatory of the Institutional Limited Partners Association’s Diversity in Action Initiative, committing itself to specific actions that advance DEI within the governance and policies of the organization and the private equity industry more broadly. For these reasons, Pantheon receives a High Risk rating.

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