Ralph Lauren

New York
Consumer Durables and Apparel

Corporate Bias Rating

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Risk Level:

Rating - Caution
Medium Risk


Ralph Lauren scored a 75 out of 100 on the 2023-2024 Corporate Equality Index (CEI) from the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), a political stakeholder group. The company covers transgender-related medical costs for its employees and their children. Ralph Lauren uses its corporate funds, to support controversial sex and gender ideologies and organizations. The company provides a benefits package for employees which covers travel/lodging costs for an abortion and transgender medical procedures for covered employees and dependents, including children. Ralph Lauren was a member of the Global Alliance for Responsible Media, which aims to demonetize advertisements and suppress content that “vilifies” individuals based on sexual orientation and gender identity, discusses "debated social issues in a negative or partisan context" or spreads "hate speech" without appropriately defining the latter term. The company provides unconscious bias and microaggression training for its employees. Ralph Lauren was part of the Freedom for All Americans coalition, which advocated for federal legislation that would overrule state laws designed to protect girls' sports and similar laws. The company denounced a North Carolina bill stating that people must use public restrooms that correspond to biological sex. Ralph Lauren used Instagram to publicly criticize the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. The company is a member of the Civic Alliance, which has used its collective corporate platform to oppose election security bills nationwide. Darren Walker, a board member at Ralph Lauren, publicly opposed the election security bill put forth in Georgia in 2021. Ralph Lauren signed an open letter in support of the Equality Act, a controversial bill. CEO Patrice Louvet is a member of the Business Roundtable. The company opposed various state and local legislation intended to protect parental rights, girls’ sports, bathroom facilities, and gendered spaces. Ralph Lauren’s CEO, Patrice Louvet, signed the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion pledge, which includes a commitment to promote DEI through bias education training in the workplace. However, the company does not appear to discriminate against charitable organizations based on views or beliefs. For these reasons, Ralph Lauren receives a Medium Risk rating.

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