Robert Half

Accounting Payroll & HR Services, Commercial and Professional Services

Corporate Bias Rating

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Risk Level:

Rating - Danger
High Risk


Robert Half covers transgender-related medical costs for its employees and their children. It also uses sex and gender ideology criteria in vendor selection and philanthropic support. Protiviti President and CEO Joseph A. Tarantino signed Catalyst's Champions for Change pledge, indicating its support of DEI in its leadership composition through the establishment of gender and racial targets. Protiviti implements unconscious bias training for its employees. Robert Half attended Lesbians Who Tech & Allies 2022 Pride Summit, and co-hosted a panel with It Gets Better, an LGBTQ organization. Protiviti participated in a virtual Lesbians Who Tech summit, and a summit hosted by Out & Equal. Robert Half advocated for other companies to implement ESG criteria in a blog post called, "Why an ESG Program Is Critical to the New Social Contract With Your Employees". Robert Half supports ESG within its business practices. From its ESG page: "Robert Half’s dedication to our environmental, social and governance (ESG) priorities ties fundamentally to what we stand for as a business”. Robert Half CEO, M. Keith Waddel, and Protiviti CEO, Joseph A. Tarantino, signed the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion pledge, which includes a commitment to promote DEI through bias education training in the workplace. Robert Half and Protiviti are copper sponsors of Out & Equal. Robert Half has an alliance with the National Urban League. Robert Half and its subsidiary Protiviti are corporate partners of the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce. Protiviti has also donated to the U.K.'s House of Pride to raise funds for the Stonewall Housing and Gay Times. Robert Half is a partner of the Catalyst and the Gender and Diversity KPI Alliance. However, the company has not publicly canceled business relationships based on political views or religious beliefs. For these reasons, Robert Half receives a Medium Risk rating.

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