Stride Learning

Educational Resources

Corporate Bias Rating

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Risk Level:

Rating - Caution
Medium Risk


Stride Learning does not provide viewpoint protections for its employees but has not publicly canceled business relationships based on views or beliefs. The company also offers unconscious bias training material to educators and hosts a "week of understanding" for employees to attend. Stride Learning used its newsroom to support a transgender student who moved to online learning after not being granted a name change by the school. The company has aligned with the BLM movement, stating that they serve as "role models for children." Stride incorporates DE&I "measurements into all employees’ core competency performance appraisals". Stride Learning created the "We Stand Together" platform and scholarship to advance its DEI initiatives. Stride One Voice offers lessons on "diversity, equity, civil rights, social justice, and other topics critical to modern American society". The company supports ESG within its business practices. Stride Learning's CEO, James Rhyu, signed the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion pledge, which includes a commitment to promote DEI through bias education training in the workplace. The company has committed over $11 million towards DE&I scholarships. However, Stride Learning has not lobbied for ideological purposes. For these reasons, Stride Learning receives a Medium Risk rating.

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