Susman Godfrey LLP


Corporate Bias Rating

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Risk Level:

Rating - Caution
Medium Risk


Susman Godfrey does not provide viewpoint protections for its employees but has not publicly canceled business relationships based on views or beliefs. Susman Godfrey provides a benefits package for employees which covers travel/lodging costs for an abortion. Susman Godfrey was threatened with a lawsuit by the American Alliance for Equal Rights unless it stopped racial discrimination in its diversity fellowship. The lawsuit was dropped after Susman Godfrey changed its policies. In 2020, Susman Godfrey pledged to match employee donations to organizations focused on racial justice and pledged 100% of its own charitable donations to racial justice organizations, including the Equal Justice Initiative and the Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University. Susman Godfrey is a partner of the Center for Reproductive Rights, building case law, advocating before policy makers, and engaging in litigation to challenge bans and restrictions on access to abortion. For these reasons, Susman Godfrey receives a Medium Risk rating.

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