Corporate Bias Rating
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Risk Level:
Amazon is High Risk. The company yields to political activism in shaping corporate governance, potentially alienating consumers, dividing employees, and harming shareholders. The company implements race and identity-based policies that replace merit, excellence, and integrity with preferential treatment and outcomes. Amazon embraces corporate initiatives that redirect its central focus from business goals to partisan policies and divisive issues. This approach fails to safeguard free exercise, free speech, and free enterprise.
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CEO of Amazon
Andy Jassy
Headquartered in Seattle, Washington, Amazon is a member of the Fortune 250 operating in the Cloud & Data Storage industry. Andy Jassy and Jeffrey P. Bezos serve as CEO/President and Chairman, respectively, leading the company’s C-suite executive team and the board of directors. Amongst these teams, the collective leadership is responsible for $79,500 to Republican causes and $2,820,775 to Democratic causes. Under their tenure, Amazon currently holds a 'High Risk' risk rating.
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Shareholder Proposals
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Date | ESG Category | Proponent | Summary of Resolution | Mgmt Rec | Total Vote % in Favor |
5/22/24 | As You Sow on behalf of PCR Children’s TR FBO Ellen | Shareholder Proposal Requesting a Report on Packaging Materials | Against | N/A | |
5/22/24 | International Brotherhood of Teamsters General Fund | Shareholder Proposal Requesting Additional Reporting on Stakeholder Impacts | Against | N/A | |
5/22/24 | Bowyer Research on behalf of The American Family Association | Respect Civil Liberties in Digital Services | Against | N/A | |
5/22/24 | Arjuna Capital on behalf of Stanley Monroe and Laurie Carson | Racial and Gender Pay Gap Reporting | Against | N/A | |
5/22/24 | The Province of Saint Joseph of the Capuchin Order | Shareholder Proposal Requesting Additional Reporting on Lobbying | Against | N/A | |
5/22/24 | American Baptist Home Mission Society | Customer Due Diligence | Against | N/A | |
5/22/24 | National Center for Public Policy Research | Corporate Financial Sustainability Report | Against | N/A | |
5/22/24 | Jing Zhao | Stockholder Proposal on Establishing a Public Policy Committee | Against | N/A | |
5/24/23 | Environmental | As You Sow | Report on Retirement Plan Options Related to Climate Goals | against | 6.66% |
5/24/23 | Environmental | Int'l Brotherhood of Teamsters | Report on Impact of its Climate Change Strategy on Stakeholders | against | 26.99% |
5/31/23 | Environmental | Mercy Investment Services | Additional Report on Worst-case Spill and Response Plans | Against | 13.30% |
5/31/23 | Environmental | Bahnsen Family Trust | Establish a New Board Committee on Decarbonization Risk | Against | 1.60% |
5/31/23 | Governance | Kenneth Steiner | Reduce Executive Stock Holding Period | Against | 2.20% |
5/31/23 | Environmental | Steve Milloy | Additional Carbon Capture and Storage and Emissions Report | Against | 5.20% |
5/31/23 | Environmental | Anna Marie Lyles | Litigation Disclosure Beyond Legal and Accounting Requirment | Against | 9.10% |
5/31/23 | Environmental | Follow This | Establish a Scope 3 Target and Reduce Hydrocarbon sales | Against | 10.50% |
5/31/23 | Governance | Oxfam America | Tax Reporting Beyond Legal Requirement | Against | 13.60% |
5/31/23 | Environmental | Legal & General Investment Management America, Inc. | Report on Asset Retirment Obligations Under IEA NZE Scenario | Against | 16.00% |
5/31/23 | Social | United Steelworkers | Energy Transition Social Impact Report | Against | 16.60% |
5/31/23 | Environmental | Andrew Behar | GHG Reporting on Adjusted Basis | Against | 18.40% |
5/31/23 | Environmental | Sisters of St. Francis Charitable Trust | Aditional Direct Methane Measurement | Against | 36.40% |
5/31/23 | Environmental | Meyer Memorial Trust | Report on Plastics Under SCS scenario | Against | 25.30% |
5/24/23 | Social | National Center for Public Policy Research | Analysis of Costs Associated with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs | Against | 83.00% |
5/24/23 | Governance | Jing Zhao | Establish Board Committee on Public Policy | Against | 6.30% |
5/24/23 | Governance | AFL-CIO | Reduce Executive Pay Disparity | Against | 6.50% |
5/24/23 | Environmental | PETA | Report on Animal Welfare in Supply Chain | Against | 5.60% |
5/24/23 | Governance | Adrian Dominican Sisters | Report on Content and Product Removal/Restrictions | Against | 10.20% |
5/24/23 | Governance | Harrington Investments | Report on Customer Use of Certain Technologies | Against | 37.20% |
5/24/23 | Social | Anne Bartol Butterfield | Report on Gender/Racial Pay | Against | 29.00% |
5/24/23 | Governance | James McRitchie | Requesting an Amendement to Bylaws to Require Shareholder Approval for Certain Future Amendements | Against | 11.50% |
5/24/23 | Governance | Tulipshare Ltd. | Report on Warehouse Working Conditions | Against | 35.20% |
5/24/23 | Environmental | The George Gund Foundation | Report on Packing Materials | Against | 31.80% |
5/24/23 | Governance | SHARE | Assess/Report on Adherence to ILO/UN Trade Union Standards | Against | 34.60% |
5/24/23 | Governance | National Legal and Policy Center | Report on Content Removal Requests | Against | 1.60% |
5/24/23 | Governance | Missonary Oblates of Mary Immaculate – United States Province | Report on Tax Transparency | Against | 17.60% |
5/24/23 | Governance | Oxfam America, Inc. | Requesting an Alternative Director Candidate Policy | Against | 18.30% |
5/24/23 | Environmental | Eric and Emily Johnson and Mercy Rome | Report on Climate Lobbying | Against | 23.50% |
5/25/22 | Social | N/A - Undisclosed | Report on Use of Facial Recognition Impact on Human Rights | Against | 0.25% |
5/25/22 | Environmental | Christian Bros. Investment Svcs. | Report on Senario Analysis Consistent with International Energy Agency's Net-zero by 2050 | Against | 51.00% |
5/25/22 | Environmental | Andrew Behar | Report on Plastic Production | Against | 36.50% |
5/25/22 | Social | SHARE (Sharehldr Assoc for Research & Educ | Report on Freedom of Association and Human Rights | Against | 38.57% |
5/25/22 | Social | N/A - Undisclosed | Report on Customer Due Diligence Related to Product Use Effect on Human Rights | Against | 39.99% |
5/25/22 | Social | N/A - Undisclosed | Report on Warehouse Working Conditions | Against | 43.74% |
5/25/22 | Social | N/A - Undisclosed | Report on Lobbying | Against | 47.03% |
5/25/22 | Environmental | As You Sow | Report on Packaging Materials and Reduction of Plastics Use | Against | 48.62% |
5/25/22 | Governance | Oxfam America, Inc. | Adopt Policy to Include Hourly Employees as Director Candidates | Against | 22.15% |
5/25/22 | Governance | N/A - Undisclosed | Adopt Policy to Nominate more Director Candidates Than Board Seats | Against | 0.81% |
5/25/22 | Governance | Steven Milloy | Limit Shareholder Rights for Proposal Submission | Against | 1.50% |
5/25/22 | Social | N/A - Undisclosed | Report on Charitable Donations | Against | 2.69% |
5/25/22 | Environmental | N/A - Undisclosed | Report on Retirement Plan Options Related to Climate Goals | Against | 8.72% |
5/25/22 | Social | N/A - Undisclosed | Report on Racial and Gender Pay Gaps | Against | 28.65% |
5/25/22 | Environmental | Follow This | Set GHG Emissions Reductions Targets Consistent with Paris Agreement Goal | Against | 27.10% |
5/25/22 | Environmental | Arjuna Capital | Report on Low Carbon Business Planning | Against | 10.50% |
5/25/22 | Social | N/A - Undisclosed | Report on Worker Health and Safety Racial & Gender Disparities | Against | 12.71% |
5/25/22 | Social | Unitarian Universalist Assoc. | Report on Political Contributions and Expenditures | Against | 26.70% |
5/25/22 | Social | N/A - Undisclosed | Report on Concealment Clauses Assessing Risks of Employee Harassment | Against | 24.65% |
5/25/22 | Social | N/A - Undisclosed | Report on Tax Transparency in Line with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) | Against | 17.35% |
5/25/22 | Governance | Bernie J. Pafford | Remove Executive Pay Perquisites | Against | 21.80% |
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