Corporate Bias Rating
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Edgewell does not provide viewpoint protections for its employees but has not publicly canceled business relationships based on views or beliefs. The company requires suppliers to adhere to its ESG requirements. Edgewell offers Mitigating Bias training to all managers and is working towards offering the training to all employees. The company’s CEO, Rod Little, signed the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion pledge, which includes a commitment to promote DEI through bias education training in the workplace. Edgewell is a brass partner of Out & Equal, an LGBTQ workplace equality organization. The company is a member of the Global Alliance for Responsible Media, which aims to demonetize advertisements and suppress content that “vilifies” individuals based on sexual orientation and gender identity, discusses “debated social issues in a negative or partisan context” or spreads “hate speech”. However, Edgewell does not discriminate against charitable organizations based on views or beliefs. For these reasons, Edgewell receives a Medium Risk rating.
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