First Eagle Investments
Corporate Bias Rating
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First Eagle Investments does not publish a nondiscrimination policy but has not publicly canceled business relationships based on views or beliefs. First Eagle Investments is a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment, incorporating ESG issues into investment analysis, decision-making, and other business practices. First Eagles integrates ESG into its business practices, and it vets investments based on environmental, anti-discriminatory, and other ESG factors. First Eagle offers unconscious bias training to its employees, and it offers family planning services for same-sex couples. First Eagle is a signatory to the CFA Institute’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Code, and its CEO Mehdi Mahmud signed the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion pledge. First Eagle is a partner of Women Money Matters, and it funded $50,000 the Boys and Girls Club through the Equity Collective. However, First Eagle does not appear to discriminate against charitable organizations based on views or beliefs. For these reasons, First Eagle receives a Medium Risk rating.
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