General Mills

Annie's, Betty Crocker, Bisquick, Blue Buffalo, Bugles, Cheerios, Chex, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Cocoa Puffs, Cookie Crisp, Dunkaroos, EPIC, Fiber One, Golden Grahams, Good Measure, Green Giant, Haagen-Dazs, Larabar, Liberte, Lucky Charms, Muir Glen, Nature Valley, Old El Paso, Oui, Pillsbury, Progresso, Reese's Puffs, Total, Totino's, Trix, Wheaties, Yoki, Yoplait
Golden Valley, Minnesota
Food Beverage and Tobacco

Corporate Bias Rating

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Risk Level:

Rating - Danger
High Risk


General Mills is High Risk. The company yields to political activism in shaping corporate governance, potentially alienating consumers, dividing employees, and harming shareholders. The company implements race and identity-based policies that replace merit, excellence, and integrity with preferential treatment and outcomes. General Mills embraces corporate initiatives that redirect its central focus from business goals to partisan policies and divisive issues. This approach fails to safeguard free exercise, free speech, and free enterprise.

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Board Bias

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CEO of General Mills

Jeffrey L. Harmening

Jeffrey L. Harmening


Headquartered in Golden Valley, Minnesota, General Mills is a member of the Fortune 250 operating in the Food Beverage and Tobacco industry. Jeffrey L. Harmening and Jeffrey L. Harmening serve as CEO/President and Chairman, respectively, leading the company’s C-suite executive team and the board of directors. Amongst these teams, the collective leadership is responsible for $16,580 to Republican causes and $69,778 to Democratic causes. Under their tenure, General Mills currently holds a 'High Risk' risk rating.

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Political Contributions of Leadership:





Shareholder Proposals

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ESG Category
Summary of Resolution
Mgmt Rec
Total Vote % in Favor
9/26/23GovernanceKenneth SteinerRight to Call a Special Shareholder Meeting for 10% Holdingagainst60.28%
9/27/22EnvironmentalGreen Century Capital ManagementReport on Absolute Plastic Packaging Use ReductionAgainst56.49%
9/27/22GovernanceKenneth SteinerRequire Independent Board ChairAgainst41.75%
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