Papa John’s
Corporate Bias Rating
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Papa John’s scored a 70 out of 100 on the 2023-2024 Corporate Equality Index (CEI) from the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), a political stakeholder group. By complying with Human Rights Campaign’s controversial demands, Papa John's increases the risk of dividing employees, alienating customers and harming shareholders. The company covers transgender-related medical costs for its employees and their children. It also uses sex and gender ideology criteria in employee recruitment, vendor selection, marketing, and philanthropic support. 100% of the company’s employees completed unconscious bias training. Papa John's former CEO, Rob Lynch, signed the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion pledge, which includes a commitment to promote DEI through bias education training in the workplace. In 2020, Papa John's pulled its advertising from Tucker Carlson's show on Fox News following comments Carlson made regarding the Black Lives Matter movement and the death of George Floyd. Carlson suggested that the protests were "definitely not about black lives" and described them as "riots". In 2019, Papa John's established partnerships with the Louisville Urban League and the University of Louisville LGBT Center. However, the company does not discriminate against charitable organizations based on views or beliefs. For these reasons, Papa John's receives a Medium Risk rating.
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