Restaurant Brands International (RBI)

Burger King, Tim Hortons, Popeye's, Firehouse Subs
Food Beverage and Tobacco

Corporate Bias Rating

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Risk Level:

Rating - Danger
High Risk


Restaurant Brands International (RBI) scored a 100 out of 100 on the 2023-2024 Corporate Equality Index (CEI) from the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), a political stakeholder group. By complying with the HRC’s controversial demands, the company increases the risk of dividing employees, alienating customers and harming shareholders. The company provides a benefits package for employees which covers transgender medical procedures for covered employees and dependents, including children. It also uses sex and gender ideology criteria in employee recruitment, vendor selection, marketing, and philanthropic support. RBI forces employees to undergo multiple ideological trainings and uses its reputation, corporate funds, and political influence to support controversial sex and gender ideologies, organizations, and legislation. RBI does not provide viewpoint protections for its employees but has not publicly terminated business relationships based on views or beliefs. The company integrates ESG into all of its business practices. RBI and its subsidiaries have supported and funded multiple LGBTQ ideological causes and events. The company requires implicit bias training for its employees and is committed to carbon neutrality by 2050. However, RBI does not appear to discriminate against charitable organizations based on views or beliefs. For these reasons, Restaurant Brands International receives a High Risk rating.

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Shareholder Proposals

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ESG Category
Summary of ResolutionMgmt RecTotal Vote % in Favor
6/6/24EnvironmentalAs You SowShareholder Proposal Regarding Reducing Plastic UseAgainstN/A
6/6/24GovernanceThe Accountability BoardIndependent Board ChairmanAgainstN/A
6/6/24SocialThe Accountability Standards BoardReport on Board Oversight of Diversity and Senior Leadership Diversity TargetsAgainstN/A
6/6/24EnvironmentalThe Province of Saint Joseph of the Capuchin OrderShareholder Proposal Regarding Water RiskAgainstN/A
6/6/24SocialThe Shareholder CommonsShareholder Proposal Regarding Antibiotics PolicyAgainstN/A
6/6/24SocialThe Humane Society of the United StatesShareholder Proposal to Require Us to Disclose Our Broiler Kwis, Metrics for Improving Broiler Welfare and How We are Using Kwis and Metrics to Improve Animal WelfareAgainstN/A
5/23/23SocialShareholder Association for Research & EducationReport on the Company's business strategy in the face of labour market pressureAgainst15.74%
5/23/23SocialHumane Society of the United StatesAnnual glidepath ESG disclosureAgainst3.10%
5/23/23SocialSOC Investment GroupReport on lobbying activities and expendituresAgainst24.46%
5/23/23EnvironmentalSaybrook LPReport on reduction of plastics useAgainst36.50%
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