TD Bank
Corporate Bias Rating
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Risk Level:
TD Bank is High Risk. The company yields to political activism in shaping corporate governance, potentially alienating consumers, dividing employees, and harming shareholders. The company implements race and identity-based policies that replace merit, excellence, and integrity with preferential treatment and outcomes. TD Bank embraces corporate initiatives that redirect its central focus from business goals to partisan policies and divisive issues. This approach fails to safeguard free exercise, free speech, and free enterprise.
View Full Corporate Bias Ratings ReportShareholder Proposals
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Date | ESG Category | Proponent | Summary of Resolution | Mgmt Rec | Total Vote % in Favor |
4/18/24 | Environmental | InvestNow | Report on Impact of Oil and Gas Divestment | Against | 1.20% |
4/18/24 | Governance | Jacques Paquet | Annex to Annual Report on All Out-of-Court Settlements | Against | 0.76% |
4/18/24 | Social | Jacques Paquet | Committee of 5 Persons to Consider All Out-of-Court Settlements | Against | 0.53% |
4/18/24 | Governance | Josée Des Croisselles | Providing All Employees with the Same Amount of Social Benefits | Against | 0.75% |
4/18/24 | Social | Vancity Investment Management | CEO to Median Employee Pay Ratio | Against | 12.56% |
4/18/24 | Environmental | Vancity Investment Management | Disclose Transition Activities | Against | 28.60% |
4/18/24 | Governance | Mouvement d’éducation et de défense des actionnaires (MÉDAC) | Incentive Compensation for All Employees against ESG Objectives | Against | 1.98% |
4/18/24 | Governance | Mouvement d’éducation et de défense des actionnaires (MÉDAC) | Public Disclosure of Non-Confidential Information, Country-by-Country Reporting, Compensation Ratios and Tax Havens | Against | 11.54% |
4/18/24 | Environmental | Mouvement d’éducation et de défense des actionnaires (MÉDAC) | Advisory Vote on Environmental Policies | Against | 17.86% |
4/20/23 | Social | Financialization of Housing | Against | 16.90% | |
4/20/23 | Environmental | Financing of the Canadian Oil and Gas Sector | Against | 1.00% | |
4/20/23 | Environmental | Transition Plan Disclosure for Financing Activities | Against | 23.50% | |
4/20/23 | Environmental | TCFD Reporting for Pollution Asset Privatization Transactions | Against | 10.40% | |
4/20/23 | Environmental | Say on Climate | Against | 21.40% |
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