Valero Energy

San Antonio, Texas

Corporate Bias Rating

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Risk Level:

Rating - Clear
Lower Risk


Valero Energy is Lower Risk. The company does not yield to political activism in shaping corporate governance, preventing initiatives that potentially alienate consumers, divide employees, and harm shareholders. The company elevates merit, excellence, and integrity ahead of race and identity-based policies. Valero does not embrace corporate initiatives that redirect its central focus from business goals to partisan policies and divisive issues. This approach protects free exercise, free speech, and free enterprise.

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Board Bias

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CEO of Valero Energy

Joe Gorder

Joe Gorder


Headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, Valero Energy is a member of the Fortune 250 operating in the Energy industry. Joe Gorder and Joe Gorder serve as CEO/President and Chairman, respectively, leading the company’s C-suite executive team and the board of directors. Amongst these teams, the collective leadership is responsible for $865,210 to Republican causes and $79,099 to Democratic causes. Under their tenure, Valero Energy currently holds a 'Lower Risk' risk rating.

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Political Contributions of Leadership:





China Risk Database

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Number of Facilities: 4

Total Export Dollars: $6,749,731

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Average Annual Revenue



China Revenue



Annual Average of Total Assets



China Assets



Shareholder Proposals

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ESG Category
Summary of Resolution
Mgmt Rec
Total Vote % in Favor
5/9/23EnvironmentalMercy Investment Services, Inc.Proposal to Set Different GHG Emissions Reductions TargetsAgainst31.80%
5/9/23SocialService Employees International Union Master TrustProposal to Oversee and Issue an Additional Racial Equity Audit and ReportAgainst11.70%
4/28/22EnvironmentalMercy Investment ServicesDisclose Climate Action Plan and GHG Emissions Reduction TargetsAgainst42.40%
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