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Nuveen does not provide viewpoint protections for its employees but has not publicly canceled business relationships based on views or beliefs. Nuveen integrates ESG into its business practices. It evaluates its investments based on ESG factors such as low carbon emissions. Nuveen appears to prioritize diversity over merit in its hiring. From its Inclusion, Diversity and Equity page: "We’re increasing diversity across our firm through deliberate actions within early talent, mid-career and executive recruiting efforts". Nuveen is an affirmative action employer. Nuveen is aligned with the Paris Agreement, which entails a commitment to net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Nuveen is a founding member of the Morgan Stanley Equity Collective, an initiative that "collaborates with asset management firms to empower, educate and recruit diverse talent". Nuveen is a partner of LGBTQ+ Albert Kennedy Trust, an organization that supports LGBTQ youth. However, Nuveen does not appear to discriminate against charitable organizations based on views or beliefs. For these reasons, Nuveen receives a Medium Risk rating.
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