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Kering is a luxury goods corporation headquartered in Paris, France. Kering owns a variety of multinational luxury brands, including Gucci, Balenciaga, and Saint-Laurent. By complying with the HRC’s controversial demands, Kering increases the risk of dividing employees, alienating customers and harming shareholders. It also uses sex and gender ideology criteria in vendor selection, marketing, and philanthropic support. Kering uses its reputation, corporate funds, and political influence to support controversial sex and gender ideologies, organizations, and legislation. The company provides a benefits package for employees which covers travel/lodging costs for an abortion and transgender medical procedures for covered employees and dependents, including children. Kering has not publicly terminated business relationships based on views or beliefs. The company provides a benefits package for employees which covers travel/lodging costs for an abortion. Kering and its subsidiaries advocate for progressive ideological policies and causes in the United States and abroad. Kering and its brands have unilaterally criticized the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. The companies have taken stances on other issues, including gun control, the refugee crisis, and racial justice, including funding policy-driven organizations. For these reasons, Kering receives a Medium Risk rating.
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