
Google, YouTube, Fitbit, Waze, Nest, Firebase, Google Chrome
Mountain View, California
Cloud & Data Storage, Media and Entertainment, Software and Services, Web Browsers

Corporate Bias Rating

Collapse Summary

Risk Level:

Rating - Danger
High Risk


Alphabet is High Risk. The company yields to political activism in shaping corporate governance, potentially alienating consumers, dividing employees, and harming shareholders. The company implements race and identity-based policies that replace merit, excellence, and integrity with preferential treatment and outcomes. Alphabet embraces corporate initiatives that redirect its central focus from business goals to partisan policies and divisive issues. This approach fails to safeguard free exercise, free speech, and free enterprise.

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Board Bias

Collapse Summary

CEO of Alphabet

Lawrence E. Page

Lawrence E. Page


Headquartered in Mountain View, California, Alphabet is a member of the Fortune 250 operating in the Web Browsers industry. Lawrence E. Page and John L. Hennessey serve as CEO/President and Chairman, respectively, leading the company’s C-suite executive team and the board of directors. Amongst these teams, the collective leadership is responsible for $446,679 to Republican causes and $7,756,562 to Democratic causes. Under their tenure, Alphabet currently holds a 'High Risk' risk rating.

View Full Board Bias Report

Political Contributions of Leadership:





China Risk Database

Collapse Summary

Number of Facilities: 1

Total Export Dollars: $25,365,137

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Total Estimated Sanctions (3-year Avg.)


Average Annual Revenue



China Revenue



Annual Average of Total Assets



China Assets



Shareholder Proposals

Collapse Summary

ESG Category
Summary of Resolution
Mgmt Rec
Total Vote % in Favor
5/7/24John CheveddenTransparency in Political SpendingAgainstN/A
5/7/24New York State Common Retirement FundDiversity, Equity and Inclusion EffortsAgainstN/A
6/7/24SocialBoston Common Asset ManagementStockholder Proposal Regarding a Report on Online Safety for ChildrenAgainst14.14%
6/7/24SocialThe Sharholder Association for Research & EducationStockholder Proposal Regarding a Human Rights Assessment of AI-Driven Targeted Ad PoliciesAgainst18.51%
6/7/24SocialArjuna CapitalReport on Generative Artificial Intelligence Misinformation and Disinformation RisksAgainst17.57%
6/7/24EnvironmentalAs You SowReport on Climate Risks to Retirement Plan BeneficiariesAgainst3.65%
6/7/24SocialUnited Church Funds and the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate- US ProvinceLobbying ReportAgainst15.23%
6/7/24GovernanceNorthStar Asset Management, Inc. Funded Pension PlanGive Each Share an Equal VoteAgainst31.28%
6/7/24SocialThe Educational Foundation of AmericaReproductive Healthcare MisinformationAgainst6.41%
6/7/24SocialTrillium ESG Global Equity FundAI Principles and Board OversightAgainst7.39%
6/7/24GovernanceNational Legal and Policy CenterStockholder Proposal Regarding a Policy for Director Transparency on Political and Charitable GivingAgainst0.28%
6/7/24GovernanceLendri PurcellReport on Electromagnetic Radiation and Wireless Technologies RiskAgainst0.82%
6/7/24GovernanceNational Center for Public Policy ResearchEEO Policy Risk ReportAgainst0.23%
6/7/24GovernanceJohn CheveddenBylaw Amendment: Stockholder Approval of Director CompensationAgainst0.60%
6/2/23GovernanceNorthStar Asset ManagementEqualize Shareholder VotingAgainst30.70%
6/2/23SocialNational Center for Public Policy ResearchCongruency Report on Partnerships with Global OrganizationsAgainst0.40%
6/2/23GovernanceNational Legal and Policy CenterContent Governance ReportAgainst0.60%
6/2/23GovernanceJames McRitchie and Myra K. YoungBylaw Amendments to Further Include Shareholders in Governance PracticesAgainst4.90%
6/2/23SocialArjuna CapitalReport on Expanding Abortion-Related Privacy ProtectionsAgainst7.00%
6/2/23GovernanceHarrington Investments, Inc.Performance Review of the Audit and Compliance CommitteeAgainst8.30%
6/2/23GovernanceJohn CheveddenRequire Executives to Retain More StockAgainst9.70%
6/2/23SocialBoston Common Asset ManagementReport on Alignment of YouTube Policies with LegislationAgainst17.90%
6/2/23SocialShareholder Association for Research and Education, on behalf of United Church of Canada Pension PlanHuman Rights Assessment of Targeted Advertisement PracticesAgainst17.80%
6/2/23GovernanceUnited Church FundsLobbying ReportAgainst17.70%
6/2/23SocialTrillium Asset Management on behalf of John Hancock ESG Cap Core FundReport on Disclosure of Algorithmic SystemsAgainst17.00%
6/2/23EnvironmentalZevin Asset ManagementReport on Climate LobbyingAgainst14.10%
6/2/23SocialMissionary Oblates of Mary - United States ProvinceReport on Human Rights Assessment on Data SitingAgainst13.00%
6/1/22GovernanceArjuna CapitalReport on Steps to Improve Board DiversityAgainst5.25%
6/1/22GovernanceNorthstar Asset ManagementGive Each Share an Equal VoteAgainst33.16%
6/1/22SocialLoring, Wolcott & CoolidgeDisclose More Quantitative and Qualitative Information on Algorithmic SystemsAgainst23.00%
6/1/22EnvironmentalAs You SowReport on Water Management RisksAgainst22.54%
6/1/22SocialThe Nathan Cummings FoundationRacial Equity AuditAgainst22.31%
6/1/22SocialTrillium Asset ManagementReport on External Costs of Misinformation and Impact on Diversified ShareholdersAgainst19.54%
6/1/22SocialBoston Common Asset ManagementReport on Lobbying Payments and PolicyAgainst18.94%
6/1/22EnvironmentalZevin Asset Mgmt.Report on Climate LobbyingAgainst18.80%
6/1/22SocialSanford LewisReport Assessing Collaboration with Military and Militarized Policing AgenciesAgainst9.16%
6/1/22SocialBrandon HardyReport on Data Collection, Privacy, and SecurityAgainst12.21%
6/1/22EnvironmentalImpax (Pax World) Asset ManagementReport on Physical Risks of Climate ChangeAgainst17.74%
6/1/22SocialWhistle Stop CapitalReport Risks Associated with Use of Concealment ClausesAgainst11.95%
6/1/22GovernanceDale WannenEstablishment of an Environmental Sustainability Board CommitteeAgainst4.74%
6/1/22SocialSumOfUsReport on Risks of Doing Business in Countries with Significant Human Rights ConcernsAgainst16.99%
6/1/22SocialJohn CheveddenAssessment of Company's Management of Misinformation and Disinformation Across PlatformsAgainst3.51%
6/1/22SocialNational Legal and Policy CenterReport on Government Takedown RequestsAgainst0.40%
6/1/22GovernanceSOC Investment GroupAdopt Policy on Non-Management Employee Representative DirectorAgainst2.55%
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